Friday, November 12, 2010

The Tail Boom

Ahhh the tail boom. A very exciting day. Without this part (well...and of course the motor, the fuselage, the prop, and 2,793 other parts) the helicopter wouldn't fly -oh and the's very important too! The painter is in the background of the photos. But really, the person that I want to thank the most is my wonderful, amazing, talented, fabulous, witty, exciting, lovable daughter who was kind enough to post these photos for me. Thank you Rainy, I don't know how I will ever repay your amazing-ness. I could go on and on...and I are a ray of light, a beacon of hope. You are spectacular. Did I mention that she sponsors an orphan child in Cambodia? I will never delete these fabulous words of praise about her for two reasons...
a) They are all so true!
b) I don't know how to access this page without her help.

Rainy "Oh Dad, you are both kind and honest".