Friday, November 12, 2010

The Tail Boom

Ahhh the tail boom. A very exciting day. Without this part (well...and of course the motor, the fuselage, the prop, and 2,793 other parts) the helicopter wouldn't fly -oh and the's very important too! The painter is in the background of the photos. But really, the person that I want to thank the most is my wonderful, amazing, talented, fabulous, witty, exciting, lovable daughter who was kind enough to post these photos for me. Thank you Rainy, I don't know how I will ever repay your amazing-ness. I could go on and on...and I are a ray of light, a beacon of hope. You are spectacular. Did I mention that she sponsors an orphan child in Cambodia? I will never delete these fabulous words of praise about her for two reasons...
a) They are all so true!
b) I don't know how to access this page without her help.

Rainy "Oh Dad, you are both kind and honest".

Friday, October 22, 2010

On skids

Attaching body to skids

After windshield is baked

Dwight's son Adam holds new windshield

Windshield heated & vaccum pumped

Finally... a painted body

Taping for pinstripe

Design Layout

For those of you under 40, the words written on the "A" post read... "Look... up in the sky" It stands for my favorite superhero... SUPERMAN!! You remember... it's a bird, it's a plane... no it's Kerry...

Color begins

Sanding and more sanding...

Body & boom attached together

My 1st solo

popping body out of the molds

Boom clamped after special glue used to seal it

Sealing up the boom

Retainers installed in half boom

Bering retainers for tail boom

Some of the many molds

First day of work/ Cutting fiberglass

DAY 1- Mosquito Factory